Kay Xander Mellish, an expert on Danish working culture and the experiences of internationals working in Denmark, frequently appears in the media in both Danish and English. If you are a journalist and would like to use Kay as a source, contact her using our contact form.

foredragsholder dansk arbejdskultur

Danish “freedom with responsibility” can be misunderstood by internationals – Børsen Ledelse

One common aspect of Danish working culture is “freedom with responsibility”. A Danish boss outlines a project with goals and timelines, supplies a budget and other resources, and then steps back and expects her team to run with the ball.

She won’t demand constant milestones, expect to be cc’d on every email, or deliver ongoing feedback. In fact, she might not be involved at all, unless a member of the team comes to her proactively with a request for help.  

Danes love this independence. They see it as showing respect for their professional expertise. But many international employees misunderstand: they see this hands-off approach as an indication that the boss doesn’t care about the project and doesn’t care about them, says Kay Xander Mellish, a keynote speaker on Danish working culture, in an interview with Børsen Ledelse.

See the interview here:

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“Noget udlændinge kæmper med er ofte den danske chef, der prædiker frihed under ansvar,” siger Kay Xander Mellish, foredragsholder om dansk arbejdskultur, til Børsen Ledelse.

”Den danske kultur er en med relativt få ledere grundet det flade hierarki. Så de ledere, der er, har ganske enkelt ikke tid til at micro-manage. Men mange udlændinge, jeg er i kontakt med, tolker det som ligegyldighed – at lederen ikke anviser nogen retningslinjer og er ligeglad. Lederen tænker, at de giver en masse frihed, mens medarbejderen står forvirret tilbage.”

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Expert Danish on working culture

For Danes: Four ways to avoid conflict with your international colleagues – Berlingske

Kay Xander Mellish, an expert on Danish working culture, offers Danes four tips on how to avoid conflict with their international colleagues.

See the video here

the unwritten rules of Danish working culture

“The unwritten rules of Danish working culture” – Berlingske Business

The unwritten rules of the Danish working culture can be confusing for internationals, but Danes can help their newly arrived colleagues understand. Read the full article here. 

amerikansk gæsteforelæser

“Starting a job in the Danish workplace can be hard for foreigners” – Danish regional newspaper network

Starting a job in a Danish workplace isn’t always easy for newcomers, but Kay Xander Mellish has a few tips to make it easier, she tells the Danish regional newspaper network.

For example, you should be ready to challenge your boss, admit your mistakes as soon as you make them, and deal with Danish humor. 

Read the full article here.

Amerikansk gæsteforelæser Kay Xander Mellish: Den danske arbejdsplads kan være svær at forstå for udlændinge. Hendes ny bog “How to Work in Denmark” handler om dansk arbejdskultur.

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Kay Xander Mellish TV2

How to Work in Denmark: Kay Xander Mellish speaks to TV2

Kay Xander Mellish appeared on TV2 News to discuss what internationals can do to fit into the Danish workplace, and how Danes can help.  See the short video (in Danish).

amerikansk gæstetaler Kay Xander Mellish

“Ask for help when you need it” – Sondag Magazine

“Danes don’t want to impose or invade your privacy, so it’s important that a newcomer ask for help if they need it. If you ask, the Danes will be happy to help.” 

Denmark’s “Sondag” magazine’s interview with Kay Xander Mellish.

Read the full article here.

“Danskerne vil helst ikke trænge sig på, så de tilbyder sjældent deres hjælp – man skal spørge efter den.”

Den herboende amerikanske gæstetaler Kay Xander Mellish giver med bogen “How to Work in Denmark” en ærligt, underholdene og brugbart indblik i den danske arbejdskultur.

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Amerikansk oplægsholder Kay Xander Mellish

“No one told me how important it is to eat cake in the office” – Femina

“No one told me how important it is to eat cake in the office”, Kay Xander Mellish told the Danish women’s magazine Femina about learning to understand Danish workplace culture.

Read the full article here

 “Ingen havde fortalt mig, hvor vigtigt det er at spise kage på en arbejdsplads,” siger amerikansk oplægsholder Kay Xander Mellish til Femina. For 20 år siden faldt Kay for Danmark og ikke mindst for de gode arbejdsvilkår og work-life balance. Hendes erfaring om at vær ny i Danmark og de kulturelle misforståelse deler hun ud af i bogen “How to Work in Denmark.”

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